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Admissions at Wren Park

Choosing your child’s school can be an exciting yet daunting experience.  Parents often wish to send their children to their local school; they are however, free to choose an alternative if they feel that suits the child and family better.

The aims of schools may be similar but approaches may differ slightly as well as placing greater emphasis on certain aspects of the curriculum. They may offer different provision as well as having different strengths and challenges.

We would like to tell you more about our school and strongly recommend you visit us in advance of making any application to Wren Park.

We offer organised visits in November and December before the Derby City Admissions closing date for September starters. If you require a visit at an alternative time please contact us. We will endeavour to show you round in person during the school day but alternative provisions may be made if this is not possible.

Visits to school can be arranged by email or telephone: 01332 512732

Once you have considered the information we have shared with you during your visit we suggest other sources of information eg. website, OFSTED reports and discussions with other parents you may know. If you then wish to apply for a place for your child at Wren Park this will then be made through Derby City Council central admissions who deal with the allocation of school places. Please be aware that Wren Park do not deal with the allocation of school places in any way and has no influence in the allocation of school places.

The Published Admissions Number (PAN) for Reception is 54.

Derby City handle all admission arrangements for:

  • Reception admissions
  • Moving schools
  • In-year transfers


Postal address:

Derby City Council Primary School Admissions

The Council House Corporation Street



Phone:  01332 642725/642728/642730

The Council will either offer or decline a place in relation to the Admissions Policy and PAN (Planned Admissions Number)

There is an appeals process should you not be satisfied with the offer.

If you are offered a place at Wren Park we will write to you shortly after Easter. We can then start the process of induction for you and your child which will involve further information and visits to school. We hope to make this a reassuring and exciting process. We want the partnership between school and home to be a very positive one from the start so that we can help your child enjoy and thrive within Wren Park. We wish for them to learn and achieve as well as celebrating their identity and equipping them with the knowledge, skills and experiences to be confident and successful children.

We hope this has helped explain the admissions process. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact school where we will hopefully provide you with the information you need or we may refer you to the admissions team at Derby City Council.