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Parent Support

  • Parents' Guide to Technology Advice about smartphones, gaming devices, tablets and other internet-connected devices from the Safer Internet Centre

  • ParentZone Website A website containing useful advice and support for helping to keep your child safe online

Safeguarding Updates


On a small number of occasions, children at school have been ‘tackled/challenged’ by other parents. This is not an appropriate or acceptable way of addressing any issue and can be intimidating for the child concerned.

By tackling/challenging another child in any way it also places you in a vulnerable situation where an allegation may be made against you. Remember that ‘If you speak, intimidate, warn or challenge a child’ you will be challenged by school or other agencies.

If you have any concerns please do not let the emotions get the better of you, please do come to see your child’s class teacher to keep all children safe and to avoid any ‘trouble’ for yourself.

Secondly –

On another safeguarding matter, we do not allow parents to be in school unescorted by school staff. Please do not enter any area of the school after dropping off/collection. If you wish to speak to a member of staff, please go to the main office reception unless the member of staff is clearly visible to you and allows you in to their classroom.

No parents should enter cloakrooms/hall or any part of the school building without permission. Although these rules may be a little inconvenient they are there to safeguard the children at Wren Park. At 9.00am we expect all parents to be off site so we can secure the school for the day and so the children can get off to a prompt start to the day ahead.

I do apologise to you all if these arrangements seem to be a bit strict but as you will appreciate

We are always here to support parents and children with any worries or issues you may have.

Below are some useful contacts and links: