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We hope that for all children their enjoyment, progress and attainment in school is enabled through care, support, encouragement and effective teaching and use of resources. We are aware that some children need additional support to supplement Quality First Teaching.

Inclusion for children with any form of additional need is an entitlement and aim we all support.

Some children come to Wren Park with additional needs. For others, these needs become apparent over time. We recognise the need to provide additional support to these pupils and will do so in a sensitive and professional manner. All children have a right to learn. For some children this will be more difficult than for others; so, at Wren Park, we endeavour to make every effort to achieve maximum inclusion of all pupils whilst meeting pupils’ individual needs.

We believe that all children have rights to a full, enriching, aspirational and enjoyable curriculum. We aim to meet each child’s requirements, making necessary adaptations and taking in to account their needs and wishes.  We will consult with children, parents and outside agencies to help support our good practice. Strengths are acknowledged, as well as difficulties, so that adaptations may be made relevant to the individual child.

At Wren Park, every child is valued.  We believe children have the right to feel safe and to enjoy their school experience – we aim to develop the whole child, academically, socially, physically, morally, emotionally and spiritually.

‘High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people. Some children and young people need educational provision that is additional to or different from this. This is special educational provision under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014.’

SEND Code of Practice 2014

Aims of Our SEND Policy and practice at Wren Park:

  • To reach high levels of achievement for all children
  • To be an inclusive school
  • To meet individual needs through a wide range of provision
  • To attain high levels of satisfaction and participation from pupils, parents and carers
  • To share a common vision and understanding with all stakeholders
  • To give transparent resourcing to SEND
  • To provide full curriculum access for all at an appropriate level
  • To work towards inclusion in partnership with other agencies, support services and schools

Partnership with Parents/Carers

The school aims to work in partnership with parents and carers. We do so by:

  • working effectively with all other agencies supporting children and their parents
  • giving parents and carers opportunities to play an active and valued role in their child’s education
  • encouraging parents and carers to inform school of any difficulties they perceive their child may be having or other needs the child may have which need addressing
  • instilling confidence that the school will listen and act appropriately
  • focusing on strengths as well as areas of additional need
  • allowing parents and carers opportunities to discuss ways in which they and the school can help their child
  • agreeing pupil-centred targets that will help their child make progress
  • keeping parents and carers informed and giving support during assessment and any related decision-making process about SEN provision


We will always endeavour to provide the best care for all children and use available resources, along with the knowledge and skills of staff, to support children to be successful and happy learners. We are an inclusive mainstream school supporting the local offer.

Occasionally, a child’s SEND may be profound; when this is the case we aim to work in partnership with parents and outside agencies (where possible) to achieve the best outcomes for the child and whether consideration should be given to more specialised provision.

There may be times in your child’s education that you feel you need to speak to school about your child’s progress, their emotional wellbeing or the support they are receiving. In the first instance, we hope that your child's class teacher will be able to assist you in providing answers, making changes to their provision or signposting ways in which school can provide further support. However, should you have further questions or require additional support/signposting to other agencies then please contact our SENDCO - Mrs Pettit.

You may also find it useful to access Derby City’s Local Offer, which can help signpost support available in our local area for children with special educational needs and their families. Please click on the blue link below to access their website. 

KENCO with the SENDCo

Thank you to all the parents who attended the previous coffee mornings; we've received some great feedback. Our next coffee morning for parents of children with SEND is on Friday 17th May at 9:15. We hope to see as many of you there as possible. 

There will also be chance to chat to other parents about their experiences and enjoy a drink and cake at the same time. 

Neuro Hub --- If you are an adult or parent/carer with neuro diverse children, both pre or post diagnosis and would like help or advice, please contact us!