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If you are worried about the safety of a child or have Safeguarding concerns, please speak to Mr. Buckley or Mrs. Pettit or email the email will be checked daily within term time. 

If you have any concerns over the safety and well-being of a child at Wren Park please email this will be checked twice a week during the holiday periods. Please be aware that phone messages are not suitable for notification of safeguarding concerns.

If your concern is of an immediate nature when a child is at risk of significant harm please contact Derby City Council Children’s Services and Social Care First Contact Team Tel: 01332 643299 (weekdays) or Careline Tel: 01332 956606 (evenings and weekends).

Alternatively NSPCC  Child Protection Helpline 0808 800 5000 or Police on 999 in an emergency situation.

Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility.

Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Wren Park is committed to promoting the Safety and Welfare of all our children. Where there is a concern it is important this is shared appropriately as your information can be important in identifying where a child is at risk and support is needed. If a parent/member of the public is concerned about a child then they are asked to share their concern with school.

The Safeguarding Lead at Wren Park is Mr. A Buckley.

Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs. Pettit.

Please see them in person or ask at the school office or call

01332 512732

If you believe that a child is at immediate risk and in need of protection, then you should call the police on 999 immediately.

Alternatively, if you want advice from the police and the child is not in immediate need of protection, you can ring 101

If you are concerned about the immediate and serious welfare of a child then you can contact Derby City Council's Social Care team on 01332 641172 on working days between 9am and 5pm. At other times, concerns can be discussed with Careline on 01332 786968

Further help and support

  • Government Safeguarding Website - Lots of information regarding safeguarding children
  • Childline - Support and advice for parents and children
  • NSPCC  - Information, advice and resources to help protect children
  • Sport Safety  - Advice from NSPCC on keeping children safe in sport
  • Road Safety - Information and advice on road safety
  • Bullying - Advice for parents and carers about bullying
  • Mental Wellbeing - Advice and support regarding young people's mental health
  • Educate against hate  - Advice and information to parents about radicalization and extremism

Child Friendly Flyers

We would like to share with you our child friendly safeguarding posters which have been shared with all of our pupils across school.

At Wren Park all staff want our pupils to grow up in a safe and caring environment. It is important for our pupils to know how to get help if they are worried or unhappy about something. We want all our pupils to feel safe in school and we want them to feel confident in sharing any of their worries or concerns with staff.

Our (see below) posters are displayed in communal areas around school.