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What our parents say

“The teaching staff are fantastic and put their heart and soul into making it an excellent place to learn and grow. My daughter absolutely loves being in school. My oldest was so sad to leave and felt safe and happy throughout her time at Wren Park.

 I am proud to say that my children attend and have attended Wren Park.”

 “As parents of a year 2 pupil and a pre-schooler who is due to start in September, we have always been very impressed by all that you do with the children; your devotion and enthusiasm to provide wonderful learning opportunities really does shine through.  We are looking forward to our 3 year old starting at the Wren's Nest in September and can't think of a better school that he could attend. 

 We are very grateful for your hard work….my son said to me this morning "I love going to school mummy" and this is testament to all the superb staff who are striving to do their best despite the challenges of the past few years. 

 Thank you so much and keep up the great work!”

Both of my children love going to school and always have done, which in itself speaks volumes about the school they attend.  They continue to make excellent progress in every area of the curriculum and are both thriving.  I have been a parent at Wren Park for almost 7 years, and in that time my children have been taught and cared for by people that work hard, put the children first and genuinely take an interest in them. It has always been clear to me that the staff at Wren Park go above and beyond. The school is welcoming, inclusive and diverse, and for that, we are grateful.  My children have been given fantastic opportunities throughout their school life and continue to be given these opportunities. 

 Wren Park is an amazing school and all the people that work there are wonderful, caring people. My children loved it there, they couldn’t have received a better education, and they are thriving at their secondary school.

 I have incredibly fond memories of Wren Park, and my friends and I frequently talk about how the school shaped our lives and made us who we are today. The teachers were always very supportive and I know I certainly felt I could talk to them about anything. I am still very close with the friends I made at Wren Park and that is because the school were quick to promote positive relationships.

 As a family, we moved to Derby when our children were 3 and 1. We knew we were moving in Wren Park's catchment and that was one of the reasons we chose our house. It was soon clear that it was absolutely the right decision. Throughout the 9 years we had the children at Wren Park, I can truly say that there was never a moment that we regretted sending them there. We were totally happy with every teacher, and every other member of staff that we ever came into contact with. Their grandparents, both retired teachers, moved to the area when they were 6 and 4, and were both highly impressed with the way that Wren Park looked after their beloved grandchildren.

 The children had some wonderful experiences on trips to London and Manor adventure, and we were never concerned for their wellbeing. 

 Throughout the pandemic, Mr Buckley and all of the staff at Wren Park worked incredibly hard to support the children and their families.  During this time, both of my children continued to learn and make progress, and because of the care, attention and communication they received, they maintained the same level of progress as if they had been in school.

 The staff at the school have been fantastic and whenever there has been any issue as a parent/child it has been dealt with swiftly and effectively.

As a parent, I have never had cause for concern in any area regarding my children’s education.  In fact, I could not be happier with the school my children attend.