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What our children say

“Learning, going to assemblies and seeing my friends are the things I like best” – Tom, Year 2

“I’m looking forward to going to Manor Adventure.

I can’t wait to go climbing, kayaking and doing all the exciting activities”

– Zachary, Year 6

“We do fun science experiments with my teacher.                                                                          

We just measured the distance between planets in the solar system.” – Tatiana, Year 5

"Getting my certificate in Golden Book today was amazing. I was really proud” – Dhilan, Year 3

“I like doing Maths and making sentences in Year 1” – Zaynah, Year 1

 “The best thing about school is everything” – Mustafa and Isabelle, Year 1

 “Fish and chips on Friday!” laugh - Maryam, Reception

"Being on the school council is an important job.

I like doing jobs and making school even better for everyone” – Rehan, Year 6

 “I like playing with the cars” smiley - Ishaan, Reception

“When I walk around school and all the teachers say hello to me, it makes me feel happy.”

Lydia, Year 4

“The lunches are delicious. On Monday we have pristine pizza”

– Eden, Year 3

“I love learning about History.

I’m looking forward to learning about the Egyptians and mummies” – Ted, Year 4

 “I like visiting the library and reading my new book” – CJ, Year 5