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Our Values and Aims

Wren Park, One School, Kind and Resilient Together

Our Aims for Children

Through interesting and challenging opportunities, and through the quality of teaching, children will be helped and encouraged to develop and achieve:

  • Strive for their highest levels of personal and academic achievement
  • Develop confidence, a sense of adventure and enthusiasm for learning
  • Develop self-esteem and personal responsibility, linked to respect for the needs and   feelings of others
  • Develop considerate and positive relationships between all members of the school community
  • To work both independently and collaboratively
  • To respect themselves and others and to appreciate human achievement and aspirations
  • To support one another by developing caring attitudes
  • To value the environment and our rich cultural heritage
  • To develop technological skills

We aim to work in partnership with parents, carers and other agencies to provide the environment and support for children to achieve their potential.

To extend themselves in body, mind and spirit