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School Council

Wren Park has a very active School Council made up of 12 members, representing each KS2 class, as well as children from Year 2.

In their own classes they hold regular council meetings and meet together as a council. The School Council work together to help move the school forward.

At the start of the school year, every School Council elections take place Staff are busy working in their classrooms with the children in their PSHE lessons on what the school council is all about. Children learn about having a voice, working with others and being part of a democracy....all great life skills!

Our first official meeting is always about the role of the school council representative. We discuss things they can become involved in and how they are the voice of their class. Being a representative takes need to be a good listener, good communicator and a fair voice amongst many others. We meet half-termly and work together on ideas and initiatives which are important to the children in each class and collectively as a school. We decide our priorities each term and which charity events we are going to support throughout the school year.