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There are parking restrictions on Jackson Avenue and the surrounding roads between 8.00am and 6.00pm. These are lifted for a short time during drop off and pick up times to allow parents and carers to park while you take your children into school and collect them.

At all other times cars can only park on the roads around school with a parking permit. We can issue these permits for certain events (parents evenings, curriculum meetings etc) at a cost of 40p per permit. Please phone us or ask at the office to request one.

Please note: We will not issue permits for events such as after school clubs, christmas and summer fairs, discos or sports day.

We politely ask all parents NOT to park in our car park at the busy pick up and drop off times. This causes safety issues for our children who are walking through our car park and down the drive during these times. Please respect our request for the safety of our children!

If you have to call into school during the day, maybe to collect an ill child or drop something off, you may come into our car park but please park in an allocated spot and avoid blocking any other cars in.

Finally, please can we ask that all parents/carers park with consideration to the residents on Jackson Avenue. Do not block any driveways and be respectful to our neighbours.

Thank you